Key Adolescent Health Issue Area 3:
Reproductive Health
(Refer to the Strategic and Operational Plans for more details.)
Goal 6: Adolescents and their families will be able to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.
Goal 7: Reduce the rates of sexually transmitted infections in adolescents.
Goal 8: Promote the continued downward trend in pregnancy and birth rates among adolescents.
Goal 6: Adolescents and their families will be able to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.
- Objective 6.1: Delay the onset of sexual activity.
- Strategy 6.1.1: Increase access to evidenced-based comprehensive health education.
- Strategy 6.1.2: Improve communication and decision-making skills of adolescents regarding the delay of sexual activity by educating, engaging, and empowering families.
- Strategy 6.1.3: Increase evidenced based positive youth development activities in local communities that aid in the delay of the onset of sexual activity.
- Objective 6.2: Increase the number of schools with quality health education including evidence- based reproductive health.
- Strategy 6.2.1: Increase professional development opportunities for school staff to improve skill development in utilizing and implementing evidenced-based curriculum.
- Strategy 6.2.2: Advocate for policies that support prevention education.
- Strategy 6.2.3: Support health education as a core subject and the adoption of health education standards
- Objective 6.3: Increase the communication between parent/guardian and teens about reproductive health.
- Strategy 6.3.1: Develop and support initiatives that encourage on-going communication between teens and their parents/guardians regarding reproductive health issues.
- Strategy 6.3.2: Utilize traditional and social media to increase awareness and knowledge about reproductive health issues.
- Objective 6.4: Increase access and provision of reproductive health services to adolescents through medical homes and family planning clinics.
- Strategy 6.4.1: Ensure that reproductive health services are incorporated as a standard of care for adolescents and young adults.
- Strategy 6.4.2: Assess existing policies regarding the provision of reproductive health services and promote policies that remove barriers to care.
- Strategy 6.4.3: Increase the availability and utilization of reproductive health services in traditional and nontraditional settings.
Goal 7: Reduce the rates of sexually transmitted infections in adolescents.
- Objective 7.1: Increase screening rates for sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
- Strategy 7.1.1: Increase public education and awareness about trends in STIs, health risks and the availability of testing.
- Strategy 7.1.2: Increase access to STI screenings in local communities.
- Strategy 7.1.3: Increase utilization of STI risk assessments and screenings in primary care settings.
- Strategy 7.1.4: Assess existing policies and promote any needed policy changes that would lead to an increase in screening rates for STIs and reduce the burden of disease.
- Objective 7.2: Increase Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination initiation and completion in males and females.
- Strategy 7.2.1: Increase education and awareness among parents/guardians, adolescents and providers regarding HPV and vaccination recommendations.
- Strategy 7.2.2: Improve the rates of HPV vaccine administration in clinical settings.
- Strategy 7.2.3: Assess and promote policy and practice changes to increase vaccination initiation and completion.
- Objective 7.3: Increase the use of dual contraceptive methods to reduce exposure to sexually transmitted infections and HIV in addition to pregnancy prevention.
- Strategy 7.3.1: Increase education and awareness regarding the benefits of dual contraception.
- Strategy 7.3.2: Promote the inclusion of dual contraceptive methods as part of anticipatory guidance.
- Strategy 7.3.3: Increase access to condoms.
Goal 8: Promote the continued downward trend in pregnancy and birth rates among adolescents.
- Objective 8.1: Increase use of effective and appropriate contraception among adolescents including abstinence.
- Strategy 8.1.1: Increase and improve education and awareness regarding abstinence and available contraceptive methods to prevent teen pregnancy.
- Strategy 8.1.2: Increase access to free or low-cost contraceptive services.
- Objective 8.2 Increase the number of clinicians recommending the use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) in adolescents.
- Strategy 8.2.1: Increase education and public awareness about the benefits of LARC.
- Strategy 8.2.2: Increase LARC training opportunities for providers.
- Strategy 8.2.3: Assess policies and practices regarding access to LARC.